Partnered Charities for 2023

Every year, Tetelestai Capital partners with select charities based on the core mission of the firm. A portion of the firm’s revenue each year will be donated to these charities to increase the unity of our world. This means as the investment strategies perform well, not only do the investors benefit, but there is more to give for the greater good. Below are the charities Tetelestai Capital partnered with in 2023:


Her Song

Her Song is a ministry of the Tim Tebow Foundation

Her Song was created to help women who are survivors of human trafficking with residential support, programs, and spiritual growth opportunities. The program employs an evidence-based theory of change to help women move from a survival-based existence to purposeful, self-sufficient living.


“Kindway is a ministry that invests in the lives of those impacted by incarceration.”

Kindway staff and volunteers prepare men and women for success after prison by meeting every need on their journey from incarceration to independence. After release, alumni are connected to a safety net of critical services and surrounded by a supportive Christian community.