Why Tetelestai Capital

About Tetelestai Capital

Tetelestai Capital began as an investment management firm based on the principle that an investor must deeply understand the value of a business to effectively build a portfolio of high quality assets. Our team views each investment we make as an owner of the business for our client portfolios, which naturally set us up to expand Tetelestai Capital’s services to help other business owners understand their own businesses from a financial perspective through financial consulting services. Our team works with individuals and businesses to provide hands on investment management and financial consulting services with a long-term focus.

We work with highly motivated and ambitious clients that have a vision for success. Our team helps clients reach their calling with specialized financial expertise and strategic planning.

The Origin Story

The Greek word Tetelestai translates to “It is Finished” or “Paid in Full”. This was the departing word from Jesus before He died, and was the turning point of Christianity and mankind. In a similar way, Tetelestai Capital is the turning point for the financial services industry.

The vision for Tetelestai Capital was planted to solve the “fee problem” the active management industry has been facing. Since then, the seed has grown to build a global financial services firm, where the mission is to generate impactful results for clients without drowning them in fees, and to bring a unifying good to our world in the process.

Each year, Tetelestai Capital donates a portion of the revenue earned to partnered charities sharing the firm’s mission. This means as the firm does well, so do the charities. Additionally, the firm’s staff volunteers with partnered charities to further the company’s impact each year.